
If you are an author or publisher and would like to have your book reviewed, please email me. I accept ARCs, eARCs, as well as finished copies.
I am also more than willing to do contests to promote your books.
If you have any questions or feedback, then go on and mail me. preternaturalpaperbacks at gmail dot com

I am now changing what books I accept to review.  Mostly Preternatural Reviews has been exclusive to Urban Fantasy and Paranormal, but I want to expand the scope of the blog to include: Horror, Sci-Fi, Mystery and basically whatever strikes my fancy.  I've never been the type of person to read one genre exclusively so why should I only review one?

I always love feedback, both positive and negative. So please feel free to email me with your comments and suggestions ranging from how to make the reviews better to what I should be reviewing.

I am ANTI-SPOILER here at Preternatural Reviews. Anything I give away about the books I review will be found within the first few chapters. You will receive my overall impressions and views about the novels I talk about. All publishers may feel secure that all ARCs (Advance Reading Copies) will be treated as the privilege they are.

Oh, and thanks for taking the time out look the site over.