Keira Kelly has finished going through the Change, which is what her Clan calls what happens when their bodies come into their powers. Unfortunately for Keira she didn't go the shapeshifter route as expected. No, Keira has hit the Kelly Clan genetic lotto and wound up with all the powers available. She's now the Kelly Clan heir designate, the successor whenever her Great Great Grandmother, Gigi decides to step down. For Keira that date cannot be far enough away.
Having only just rescued her vampire lover Adam from true death, Keira wants nothing more then to ignore all of this and stay in her beloved Rio Seco, TX. Gigi has other plans. Summoning Keira to British Columbia to introduce her as the Kelly heir, teach her something about all of her new powers and oh, maybe help her former lover Gideon to the afterlife since it appears he may be dying. All Keira knows is that she's not going alone. If she has to go so does her 1200-year-old shapeshifting brother Tucker and he's taking his vampire lover Niko. Also realising that she can't just up and leave her newly discovered Sidhe cousin (from her absentee mother's side), Daffyd ap Geraint, he's coming to the Great White North too. Only Adam refuses to go citing that his Tribe needs him right now.
Stopped in Vancouver before reaching the Clan homestead Daffyd goes off the reservation and disappears mysteriously. Keira is also taken aback when she's informed that she isn't needed to escort Gideon to the afterlife...he's getting better. Keira doesn't know what's going on here, but since she's been told to wait in Vancouver by Gigi she's damned well going to find out.
Ms. Lima has redesigned her roller-coaster storytelling to make it bigger and more exciting. The cosmology that she's weaved throughout the first two novels of the Blood Lines series (Matters of the Blood and Blood Bargain) culminates in Blood Kin. You get answers that you've been tantalized with through the series. Even when you think that there can't be any more answers you're hit with some to questions you only had in your subconscious. My favourite has to be the Machiavellian tale of just how Keira came to be.
Maria Lima hit me out of the gate in Matters of the Blood with just how good of a writer she is. The truly exciting thing is her ability to top herself in each subsequent title in the Blood Lines series. Any novel I read and want the next in the series in my possession because I don't want to leave the world that's been created around me is truly amazing to me.
Blood Kin is the conclusion to the first story arc in the Blood Lines series and is absolutely satisfying in every way. I warn you now though, just go ahead and pick up the whole series. You'll hate yourself if you don't have the next one to start at the conclusion of what you've just read.
Blood Kin - Blood Lines Bk 3 - receives a Classic 4 out of 4 stars from me, a stellar achievement. The next installment can't come soon enough.
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